Altavista Advanced Search

AND Finds documents containing all of the specified words or phrases. Peanut AND butter finds documents with both the word peanut and the word butter.
OR Finds documents containing at least one of the specified words or phrases. Peanut OR butter finds documents containing either peanut or butter. The found documents could contain both items, but not necessarily.
AND NOT Excludes documents containing the specified word or phrase. Peanut AND NOT butter finds documents with peanut but not containing butter. NOT must be used with another operator, like AND. AltaVista does not accept 'peanut NOT butter'; instead, specify peanut AND NOT butter.
NEAR Finds documents containing both specified words or phrases within 10 words of each other. Peanut NEAR butter would find documents with peanut butter, but probably not any other kind of butter.
(  ) Use parentheses to group complex Boolean phrases. For example, (peanut AND butter) AND (jelly OR jam) finds documents with the words 'peanut butter and jelly' or 'peanut butter and jam' or both.
anchor:text Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the text of a hyperlink. Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the text of a hyperlink. anchor:job +programming would find pages with job in a link and with the word programming in the content of the page.

Do not put a space before or after the colon. You must repeat the keyword to search for more than one word or phrase; for example, anchor:job OR anchor:career to find pages with anchors containing either the word job or the word career.
applet:class Finds pages that contain a specified Java applet. Use applet:morph to find pages using applets called morph.
domain:domainname Finds pages within the specified domain. Use domain:uk to find pages from the United Kingdom, or use domain:com to find pages from commercial sites.
host:hostname Finds pages on a specific computer. The search would find pages on the computer, and would find pages on the computer called dilbert at
image:filename Finds pages with images having a specific filename. Use image:beaches to find pages with images called beaches.
like:URLtext Finds pages similar to or related to the specified URL. For example, finds Web sites that sell used and rare books, similar to the www.abebooks site. finds public and university library sites. like: finds sites about culture on the Indian subcontinent.
link:URLtext Finds pages with a link to a page with the specified URL text. Use to find all pages linking to
text:text Finds pages that contain the specified text in any part of the page other than an image tag, link, or URL. The search text:graduation would find all pages with the term graduation in them.
title:text Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the page title (which appears in the title bar of most browsers). The search title:sunset would find pages with sunset in the title.
url:text Finds pages with a specific word or phrase in the URL. Use url:garden to find all pages on all servers that have the word garden anywhere in the host name, path, or filename.


Google Search Tips

NOTE: These work in Google's Simple Search and in the "with all of the words" box in its Advanced Search.

inurl: Finds web pages with ANY of the words you specify after inurl: within the page's URL.

Example: smt inurl:glossary dictionary terminology

allinurl: Finds web pages with ALL the words you specify after allinurl: within the page's URL.

Example: allinurl:glossary samtec

NOTE: with allinurl: you CANNOT use anything else (E.g. The following searches would NOT work: smt allinurl:glossary samtec; inurl:smt allinurl:glossary samtec).
The only thing you CAN  use is the minus sign to exclude words (E.g. allinurl:glossary samtec -automotive)

intitle: Finds web pages with ANY of the words you specify after intitle: within the page's title.

Example: smt intitle:glossary dictionary terminology

allintitle: Finds web pages with ALL of the words you specify after allintitle: within the page's title.

Example: allintitle:glossary smt

NOTE: with allintitle: you CANNOT use anything else (E.g. The following searches would NOT work: samtec allintitle:glossary smt; inurl:samtec allintitle:glossary smt)
The only thing you CAN  use is the minus sign to exclude words (E.g. allintitle:glossary smt -automotive)

site: Finds web pages just from a particular site.

Example: site:searchenginewatch google
(or: google site:searchenginewatch)

Finds all pages from Search Engine Watch ( that mention Google.

link: Finds web pages containing a link to a specific web page.


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