Commento del pilota

Da una nostra prima indagine, ci risulta che il pilota, (è un inglese) non ha notato nulla di particolare, se non che un Jumbo della KLM si trovava troppo vicino e ha dovuto identificarsi, cosa secondo il pilota non comune tra aerei di linea (questo quanto riferitoci dalla persona che è riuscita a mettersi in contatto con il pilota). Il filmato è stato visionato da alcuni piloti della Swissair che hanno escluso la possibilità che si possa trattare di un pallone sonda, come pure di un aereo a loro conosciuto. In un secondo tempo è stato fatto vedere il filmato al pilota del volo e siamo riusciti ad avere un suo commento scritto, che vi riportiamo qui di seguito.

Commento del pilota Swissair

Thanks so much for the video. You are right, it is an interesting phenomenon but will be impossible to promote as a UFO. it is a great shame that the auto focus of the video camera was not turned off and that there is no reference to time that would enable one to establish a position and possibly even altitude.
It was clearly taken out of the aircraft port side facing northwest and l imagine not long after departure but more or less at cruising altitude. There are several restricted areas to the northwest of the departure track and l can only theorize that it could have been a military missile on a firing range.
Without more data references it is virtually impossible to more precise and l do not have the equipment to enlarge the picture, only to view it frame by frame.
There have been so many other reports in that area over the years including our SR 127 where, in spite of exact witnes reports from all three flight crew members, l believe they were eventually told to keep their mouths shut by the US authrites. That case went as far as the media, including some specialist publications but died very quickly.

I'm sorry that l cannot be of more assistance but we saw nothing of it from the flight deck and had no information from ground control. Had l seen anything, you can be sure that l would have persued it until l were told to be quiet-and even then l might have continued. It is a pity that you were not on the JNB flight last week as we could have spent a considerable time discussing it.

Thanks again for letting me view the video, best wishes


CUSI - Centro Ufologico della Svizzera Italiana